Worldwide experience improving healthcare


About Us

OHC is a leading independent health care advisory and operator in selected markets in Europe, neighbouring countries, and beyond.

OHC is specialised in project development and advisory services in the field of health care. OHC has ample experience with the preparation of technical, economic and policy studies for health care issues worldwide.

In its approach OHC combines knowledge of different disciplines including health economics and financing, strategic planning, hospital architecture, biomedical engineering, health care planning, business models and (international) financing.

  • Added Intelligence

    OHC offers a knowledge-based approach putting needs of clients and end-users at the center of our attention and efforts

  • Hands-on

    Clients value our independence as well as our solutions that are proven cost/effective and hands-on

  • Resourceful

    OHC distills a problem’s essence before developing, where necessary original, solutions. Skill-fully and promptly OHC helps find solutions for the (new) challenges you are facing


Improving Health Care Systems

Starting a new  hospital requires a solid understanding of the business environment as well as the main policies governing the hospital operations such as reimbursements and quality considerations.

In advanced as well as lower income countries health care systems have become more pluralistic. Health professionals, suppliers and citizens each seek to fulfil changing demands against a background of the expanding possibilities of modern medicine.

Increasingly, the task for governments is to balance more transparent public and private roles, against social pressures to ensure that all citizens enjoy access to essential health care. Important areas for Clients of OHC include health care strategies:

Finding ways to provide high quality care to the entire population at a cost that society (and individuals) can afford. For OHC this involves developing, implementing and evaluating health care strategies that can deal with both demographic, economic and other policy challenges.

OHC assists national and local governments worldwide by analyzing the (future) cost of providing health care services and proposing strategies to maintain sustainability.

Investing in health infrastructure

Health care professionals such as GPs, specialists, are ultimately responsible for managing and delivering health care services. They are a critical input in for the health care system. Increasingly, high-end technology plays a major role through medical equipment and new pharmaceuticals. All these different inputs come together while treating patients and are organized in dedicated provider organizations such as health centres and hospitals. It is at this level that policies and investments in health care are being implemented and become concrete. It is at this level that the experience of OHC in policy development and health infrastructure is unique.

A key expertise of OHC involves the supporting the development of health infrastructure from the very first needs assessments to design, planning, procurement and implementation and operation of  the facility.

“Building a new hospital is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Unfortunately, few can advise as this applies to most of us”

Hospital Director


Feasibility hospital care Sri Lanka

OHC has been involved in developing the approach and feasibility for a new project to upgrade hospital capacity in Sri Lanka. OHC supported The Client, an international medical technology firm, by identifying basic needs and demands for upgrading hospital services and translate these into a viable and bankable proposal eligible for international financing.

The study design involved close interaction with the health authorities in Sri Lanka , including extensive field work. The approach takes a broad perspective including mental health services, social care and the upgrading of maintenance services for hospital infrastructure including medical technology.

Investing in Health

In 2015/16 OHC led a large scale study to identify 45 health companies in six countries that could be investment opportunities for the International Finance Corporation (IFC, part of the World Bank Group). The focus of the effort were medium-sized companies in the private health sector in the fields of primary care, laboratory services & medical imaging

After a review of 15 countries’ investment climates in the health sector a further selection of companies was made in six countries (Brazil, Colombia, Ghana, Mexico and Peru. For 45 interesting candidates company OHC prepared investment profiles.

Kiev City Hospital Master Plan

OHC is responsible for the development of an hospital master plan for the City of Kiev in Ukraine. The Master Plan provides analysis and strategic recommendations for the future of the 53 hospitals (17,000 beds) under Kiev City Administration. The Master Plan develops and tests concrete restructuring solutions for small groups of hospitals

Drive RVO

OHC acted as a management adviser to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, RVO). OHC helped develop the set-up and organisation of the new export investment instrument (DRIVE) in particular for issues around Public Private Partnerships (PPP) and Procurement

“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Health is global, care is local”



Meirovich Consulting

Meirovich Consulting is a specialized consultancy company providing healthcare facilities and technology planning services to governments, international organizations, international development banks and private companies.


HERA is an international multidisciplinary team of highly skilled professionals bringing together a broad spectrum of expertise in health and development research, programming, evaluation and policy.


Ecorys is an international company providing research, consultancy and management services. Ecorys specialises in economic, social and spatial development and aims to deliver real benefit to society through the work they do. Ecorys is one of the oldest research and consulting companies in Europe.

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